Moving on from yesterday's post about the new venture? 

Ready for firing

Well, today I fired it, and burnished it, and I have my very first handmade pure silver ring.

I am over the moon, and not about to part with it for love or money. It is firmly on my finger and it isn't going anywhere any time soon. I am sorely tempted to make another one RIGHT NOW, but I'm attempting a little decorum ;) 

In other news, I made a very singular pair of earrings last night 

that I have called Yin / Yang - the perfect balance of light and dark.  On hand-fashioned brass earwires. 

And here they are in all their glory:

If you think they might have your name on them, or be just the right little Christmas pressie, you can find them here

You know what? I might just go and find that silver again ;)